Here's some answers to the most frequently asked questions we get her at Meca Strong.

“3 years of results in 3 months” we save you time and help you
get world class results in performance quickly because of our 1 on 1 coaching
and nutrition program that is tailored to you.

Sport Specific, Rehabilitation, Body Composition (Fat Loss and Muscle Gain).

Each Training Session last 45-60 minutes

No! We train any determined client looking to make progress! Currently, our youngest is 9, oldest is 73!

It Depends! Our training is completely customized for each individual who trains with us. Some have more to lose/gain than others. Call to talk with one of our General Managers to set up an evaluation to find out how long your process will take!

Yes! All clients who are enrolled in our training programs have nutrition included at no additional cost. If you are interested in nutrition services only, please contact your closest MECA location for details on how to sign up. We can do virtual or in person nutrition consultations.

At MECA, we have combined a few incredible services of Nutrition and 1 on 1 Personal Training. We expect our clients to train a minimum of 3 times per week, with a goal for most clients to train 4 times per week. All clients can expect to meet with our nutritionist every 1 to 2 weeks.

Call your local MECA location, or click HERE to submit a form through our website to set up an assessment! It’s everyone’s first step!

NO! We are specifically only 1-1 training. Why? We want to deliver on our company mission: Deliver 3 Years of Results in JUST 3 Months. We have to be as close to perfect to achieve this. That means mano-e-mano.

Yes! Click this LINK to find out how to sign up!

Yes! All of our programs are individualized for each client after we assess them. Our assessment process was developed to identify each client’s individual weaknesses so we can create a training program that will address the weakness found in the evaluation. Our programs also change every 3-5 weeks of training as the client progresses through their weakness, and develops new strength!

Yes! Our nutritionists are trained to work with all clients.

We will work with all athletes recovering from injury after clearance from a doctor, whether that is physical therapy, medical doctor, or chiropractor. From ACL or Labrum tears, to bulging disk, we have helped thousands of clients recover from major injury through proper training, nutrition and lifestyle habits.

No, we do not. MECA is 100% out of pocket for all clients.


To elevate the level of sports performance and wellness in the State of Michigan by providing superior personal training and coaching.

Above is our mission statement. While we do feel it perfectly describes our goal, one sentence cannot fully explain what a company is truly striving to achieve. This will provide you with a more in-depth look at why we consider our personal training superior and how we leverage this to elevate results beyond the other options out there in the fitness industry.

Let's get started

Are you ready to take your performance to the next level?

Contact us today to schedule an athletic assessment and tour of our facility.